Local Attractions

Corolla Wine Cigar Gourmet
Service Area: Corolla, NC
Description: We specialize in North Carolina wines but have a great selection of wines from all regions of the wine world and quite a few harder to find vintage wines. We also have a great selection of champagnes, fine ports and dessert wines. Come visit the large walk in humidor stocked with premium cigars and see our large selection of cigar & pipe accessories and unique cigarettes and cloves. We have a variety of wine gift items and accessories, as well as an array of gourmet items. Check out the beer room stocked with NC beer and an assortment of specialty beers
Services: Memorial Day to Labor Day
Monday - Saturday: 11am - 9pm
Sunday: Noon - 7pm
Call for Off-Season Hours
Address: 794M Sunset Blvd, Corolla, NC 27927
Phone: (252) 453-6048
Website: Visit Website
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Visit Us:

619 Currituck Clubhouse Dr.
Corolla, NC 27927


Contact Us

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.